STL extension, which stands for "Stereolithography", is a type of format obtained by dividing the surfaces of 3D designed models into many triangles in a mathematical order, and these triangles represent the 3-dimensional model with three points. The detail of the model increases in direct proportion to the number of these triangles. The STL file type is the most widely used 3D printing format. STL files store the volume information of 3D models.
Electric bicycle, also known as e-bike, is the blend of today's technology of the transportation vehicle that has been used as 2-wheelers in the past, but also has 3-4 or more wheel variations, allowing us to move by turning the pedal.
With 3D printer technologies, many areas are improving day by day. 3D printed thin boats could carry drugs inside the human body. The research interests of Rachel Doherty, Daniela Kraft and their teammates from Leiden University in the Netherlands are micro-swimmers. Micro-swimmers used in research so far have generally remained
Barcelona-based company Novameat produced beefsteak of vegetable origin using a 3D printer.
3D printing is fast becoming an exciting technology for spacecraft manufacturing and especially rockets.
We have successfully completed the R&D processes of our industrial 3D printers, where you can print metal 3D printing with Zaxe 3D printers.