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The filament you use will be crucial for the performance and aesthetics of your prints. So, it is important to have a basic understanding of different filaments and their function if you don’t want to be lost while buying one. Here is a quick guide to the basic filaments and

After the printing process is over there are still a variety of things you can do to improve the visual appeal and function of your print. This period where you make changes to the print will be called the post-processing phase. With an extensive post-processing stage, you can achieve extremely

Additive manufacturing is one of those industries that can be considered male-dominated. It is not the only industry that has a shortage of talented women, but still, 3D printing companies should try harder to make our field more welcoming to women. That is what Women In 3D Printing is trying

3D printing is being used more and more for spare parts and end-use products. So, the workload of 3D printers that are being used in manufacturing is getting higher and they are expected to produce complex and durable parts faster than ever. To be able to manufacture parts that are

If you use your 3D printer often, there is a chance you only print with a handful of filament types. We as people tend to find our favorite thing and stick to it. But to keep things interesting, it is important to experiment. Even a standard FDM printer can print

Implementing 3D printing to your design workflow will make it easier to visualize concepts. But what tools are you using to make said designs? Chances are, it is CAD software that helps you design products, establish the strengths and weaknesses of the design, and allows you to find solutions for