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One of our favorite things about 3D printing is the constant innovation that this community breeds. Whether it is the open-source culture that was cultivated in additive manufacturing communities or the relatively short lifespan of the technology, 3D printing is getting better and better every year and it is not

As Zaxe, we are working to develop the perfect ecosystem for all 3D printer users without the need for any 3rd party involvement. That doesn’t mean we are not open to collaboration with other people in the industry. For example, our Zaxe Z3 model comes with OctoPi already installed and

Thanks to the developments in manufacturing technology, we now have access to more methods of production than we ever did before. While old school technologies like injection molding and pressing are reliable to this very day, they do not offer the flexibility that the newer, computer-aided methods do. If you

The carbon footprint of humans and the effects that our actions have on the earth are becoming hot-button topics with recent discoveries that are made in the field of climate science. People are becoming more mindful of their consumption habits to reduce the waste they create and while that is

Every year, more and more schools are learning about the benefits of having a 3D printer in the vicinity of the school. The ability to turn drawings, designs, basic CAD designs into reality in a matter of hours is not only extremely interesting to the students but it is also

The filament you use will be crucial for the performance and aesthetics of your prints. So, it is important to have a basic understanding of different filaments and their function if you don’t want to be lost while buying one. Here is a quick guide to the basic filaments and