Zaxe Z3S Firmware v3.5.31 & xDesktop v3.0.0 stable version are released!
We are excited to introduce the new updates!

- E3D Revo High Flow ObXidian Nozzle is now available for Z3S printers! It is specifically designed for printing fiber-filled polymers. Revo High Flow ObXidian Nozzle increases your setup’s volumetric flow rate, enabling you to print abrasive materials much faster.

- 39+ new materials including BASF, KİMYA, Polymaker, colorFaBB and Igus have been added and are available for Z3D printers.

- With the new “Print Again” button, you are able to re-print your ending print.

- We have added device tests under device settings, for better maintenance.

- With the new Zaxe xDesktop v3.0.0, users can access many new features and discover the highest level of print quality. By utilizing the unique machine carousel system we’ve been developing since 2015, you can control multiple devices from a single location with the xDesktop v3.

- We have also added a first layer infill speed setting to adjust the print time of the first layer, which helps reduce the overall print time.
Please upgrade your Z3S Firmware to get the new updates and download xDesktop v3.0.0 to get the new features!
For Windows
For Mac

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